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Se afișează postările cu eticheta gmail. Afișați toate postările
Se afișează postările cu eticheta gmail. Afișați toate postările
Gmail are erori ...

Dupa ce in urma cu aproximativ 6 luni, aveam in fata o eroare masiva in reteua Google, astfel, orice cautare oferea un rezultat negativ, adica, orice site incercam sa accesam ne oferea ca si rezultat un advertisment cum ca acel site este afectat de malware, acum erorile revin, insa in alt domeniul al Google, mai exact in GMAIL. ori Se pare ca pe masura ce eroare se propaga din ce in ce mai multi clienti nu isi pot utiliza casuta de mail de pe gmail. In momentul de fata sunt afectati aproximativ 130 de milioane de utilizatori ai serviciului Gmail. Nu se stie de la ce a pornit si cand se va oprii. Tu folosesti GMail ?

Gmail are erori

Gmail are erori ...

Dupa ce in urma cu aproximativ 6 luni, aveam in fata o eroare masiva in reteua Google, astfel, orice cautare oferea un rezultat negativ, adica, orice site incercam sa accesam ne oferea ca si rezultat un advertisment cum ca acel site este afectat de malware, acum erorile revin, insa in alt domeniul al Google, mai exact in GMAIL. ori Se pare ca pe masura ce eroare se propaga din ce in ce mai multi clienti nu isi pot utiliza casuta de mail de pe gmail. In momentul de fata sunt afectati aproximativ 130 de milioane de utilizatori ai serviciului Gmail. Nu se stie de la ce a pornit si cand se va oprii. Tu folosesti GMail ?

Gmail becomes #gfail on twitter and...

Very surprising thing happened. Gmail was down.

Gmail users were popping all sorts of questions - from IMAP, logging in, 502 failure, etc.

My point is even though it was down for quiet sometime, the problem is people paniced and they had a reason to panic. Tuesday afternoon, at least in India, people working are primarily using gmail, as an email service provider.

People were behaving as we use to behave in our hostel - shouting, hooting, crying, yelping, end very possible sound that no animal had heard before.

5 types of people being effected by gmail:

Happy go lucky - Some of us were happy, too happy, not working.

Non-impressed - The new comers were in state of shock, not being able to impress their bosses, will have to stay late today too; important news announcement going via sms or phone calls.

Extended Lunchers - the other went out for an extended lunch, i think they even had beer. Sniff! Sniff!

Hurling abusive types - Then there were people who were actually panicing, "mail is not going, call the IT guy", "attachment not happening, "where is Rakesh (IT guy), when you need him the most??". Hurling abuses at the internet at start, later to relaise that it was not the internet but Uncle Google's gmail was down.

Hopefuls - Gmail will be back soon, this has never happened before.

Scary ones - what if the mails are deleted? what if there are reducing the storage space? what my contact list gets deleted? what if they never come back on? is there are problem with google? This one you need to care off, since they are already in a break down state and people dont have these answers to their questions, then it becomes very contagious. PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM THESE TYPES.

Anyway, the good news is Gmail is back. the only request that i would make to the Gmail / Google team, please do make announcements prior. I do not deny, the announcement did come in, but it was quiet delayed on . It surely calm the nerves of some people on twitter stream, which was going berserk on two key words gmail and #gfail. There were more than 127 tweets in less than 0.02 secs (at one time, that i saw) - that was the speed. Dont think even Oscars did that much - the last global topic of discussion.

When twitter was down, we would go all over the place - facebook, gtalk, email (gmail), blog about it. When gmail was down talking about it on Twitter.

Dear GMAIL, please dont do this to us again, please take backups of backups, or else we will go back to communicating through hand signals.

Gmail becomes #gfail on twitter

Gmail becomes #gfail on twitter and...

Very surprising thing happened. Gmail was down.

Gmail users were popping all sorts of questions - from IMAP, logging in, 502 failure, etc.

My point is even though it was down for quiet sometime, the problem is people paniced and they had a reason to panic. Tuesday afternoon, at least in India, people working are primarily using gmail, as an email service provider.

People were behaving as we use to behave in our hostel - shouting, hooting, crying, yelping, end very possible sound that no animal had heard before.

5 types of people being effected by gmail:

Happy go lucky - Some of us were happy, too happy, not working.

Non-impressed - The new comers were in state of shock, not being able to impress their bosses, will have to stay late today too; important news announcement going via sms or phone calls.

Extended Lunchers - the other went out for an extended lunch, i think they even had beer. Sniff! Sniff!

Hurling abusive types - Then there were people who were actually panicing, "mail is not going, call the IT guy", "attachment not happening, "where is Rakesh (IT guy), when you need him the most??". Hurling abuses at the internet at start, later to relaise that it was not the internet but Uncle Google's gmail was down.

Hopefuls - Gmail will be back soon, this has never happened before.

Scary ones - what if the mails are deleted? what if there are reducing the storage space? what my contact list gets deleted? what if they never come back on? is there are problem with google? This one you need to care off, since they are already in a break down state and people dont have these answers to their questions, then it becomes very contagious. PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM THESE TYPES.

Anyway, the good news is Gmail is back. the only request that i would make to the Gmail / Google team, please do make announcements prior. I do not deny, the announcement did come in, but it was quiet delayed on . It surely calm the nerves of some people on twitter stream, which was going berserk on two key words gmail and #gfail. There were more than 127 tweets in less than 0.02 secs (at one time, that i saw) - that was the speed. Dont think even Oscars did that much - the last global topic of discussion.

When twitter was down, we would go all over the place - facebook, gtalk, email (gmail), blog about it. When gmail was down talking about it on Twitter.

Dear GMAIL, please dont do this to us again, please take backups of backups, or else we will go back to communicating through hand signals.

Imparte informatia cu prietenii tai !


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Sanatateverde - Despre plante

O scurta introduce in lumea plantelor ...

Le intalnim la tot pasul, dar necunoscandu-le nu le dam atentia cuvenita: un fir de iarba, o floare, alt fir de iarba ... si-n seva lor, in substantele active depozitate in "camarile" celulelor pot sta vindecarea multor suferinte, alinarea multor dureri. Asistam in zilele noastra la un paradox: in timp ce utilizarea plantelor medicinale este intr-o vertiginoasa ascensiune(atat ca materie prima, in industria farmaceutica, cat si ca utilizare casnica), tot mai putini sunt cei care le pot recunoaste si cunosc perioada optima de recoltare. Este in mare parte urmarea urbanizarii, ruperea lumii de la legatura initiala cu natura si inchiderea ei in cutii de betoane. Natura a trecut pe locul II, urmand a fi vizitata doar la sfarsit de saptamana si atunci in semn de "multumesc" lasand in urma noastra adevarati munti de gunoaie. Deocamdata natura mai indura si inca ne ofera adevarata izvoare tamaduitoare. Folosirea plantelor medicinale are o veche istorie pe teritoriul tarii noastre, parintele istoriei, Herodot, a scris despre iscusinta geto-dacilor in folosirea lor in multiple afectiuni. Romania are un mediu extrem de favorabil pentru dezvoltarea faunei, poate tocmai de aceea se explica ca in tara noastra traiesc peste 3700 de specii de plante (mai mult de jumatate cat are toata europa) si din care peste 700 au caracteristici medicale. Deci haideti sa descoperim lumea plantelor si impreuna cu ea un nou tip de sanatate... SANATATE VERDE