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Symptoms of myeloma

Symptoms of myeloma

Myeloma commonly affects the bones of the spine (vertebrae), so its most common symptom is back pain. Some people also become shorter. Other bones may also be affected such as the ribs, skull or pelvis. Other symptoms may include any of the following:

* Excessive tiredness and lethargy due to a lack of red blood cells (anaemia).
* Kidney problems caused by the paraproteins produced by the myeloma cells. Kidney damage can cause tiredness and anaemia.
* Repeated colds, coughs and other infections (particularly chest infections) because of a shortage of normal antibodies.
* Weakening of the bones by the myeloma cells, which may increase the risk of fractures.
* Loss of appetite, feeling sick, constipation, depression and drowsiness caused by too much calcium in the blood (hypercalcaemia). The excess calcium is released into the blood from the damaged bones.
* Unexplained bruising and abnormal bleeding (for example, nosebleeds or bleeding gums) because the number of platelets in the blood has decreased.
* Pins and needles, numbness, tingling or weakness in the feet or legs; or difficulty passing urine or opening the bowels. Any of these symptoms could mean that a myeloma tumour is pressing on the spinal cord (known as cord compression). Contact your doctor immediately if you think that this may be happening to you.

If you have any of the symptoms in this list, it is important to see your doctor as soon as possible. But remember, many of these symptoms can occur in other conditions. Most people with the above symptoms will not have myeloma.

Occasionally myeloma will be found by a blood test done for another reason, when the person has no symptoms.


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